TCDI Talks | Episode 7: Better Together: How to Create a Powerhouse Litigation Team

About TCDI Talks: Episode 7

What makes a litigation team truly effective? This week on TCDI Talks, our AI show hosts take a deep dive into this topic from Nancy Johnson’s article, “Better Together: How to Create a Powerhouse Litigation Team.”

This 8-minute discussion provides tips from our Senior Director of Client Services on how to leverage the expertise of the legal and technical solution teams to create the best solutions and outcomes for your client. You will also learn about the essential components for a litigation management system to ensure each team has access the right information at the right time.

Episode 7 Transcript

0:05 – Male AI

Welcome to TCDI Talks. Today we’re going to be diving deep into the world of litigation management. Litigation can be a beast. You know what I mean? Tight deadlines, mountains of data. The pressure to catch every single detail. It can be a lot.

0:20 – Female AI

It’s true. It can feel like you’re constantly playing catch up, but there’s a better way.

0:24 – Male AI

That’s what we’re hoping to uncover today. And to guide us on this deep dive, we have a fantastic article called “Better Together: How to Create a Powerhouse Litigation Team,” written by TCDI’s own Senior Director of Client Services, Nancy Johnson. So, she’s in the trenches dealing with these challenges day in and day out.

0:41 – Female AI

Yes. And Nancy’s article really highlights the importance of a strategic approach to litigation management. And her central idea, this concept of a two-pronged approach, is really intriguing. So, it’s all about recognizing that you need two specialized teams working in sync to really master litigation management.

1:00 – Male AI

Your legal team and your technical solutions team.

1:03 – Female AI

Okay, so like a “legal dream team.” Each player with their own specialized skills. So, first of all, let’s break down the legal team. What’s their core area of expertise?

1:14 – Male AI

So, the legal team are the strategists. The ones who deeply understand the intricacies of the case. They’re the experts on the rules, the jurisdictions, and all the facts specific to the case. They develop the legal strategy, craft the arguments, and essentially steer the entire litigation process.

1:35 – Female AI

What are some of the specific tasks and data points they’re handling on a daily basis?

1:39 – Male AI

Well, as Nancy points out in her article, they’re responsible for everything from pinpointing those key exhibits to preparing for depositions. They’re drafting motions, managing the avalanche of discovery requests, and constantly making sure they’re adhering to the procedural rules that govern the litigation process. They have to be incredibly organized and detail-oriented. It sounds like they’re juggling a lot.

2:00 – Male AI

Which brings us to the second half of our dynamic duo: the technical solutions team. What role do they play?

2:07 – Female AI

The technical solutions team are the ones who bring in the tools and the processes to wrangle all that data and help execute the legal team’s strategies.

2:17 – Male AI

Okay, so if the legal team are the strategists, the technical solutions team are like the masterminds behind the scenes making sure everything runs smoothly.

2:26 – Female AI

Exactly. And they’re a diverse group too. You’ve got your project managers keeping everything on track, database analysts making sense of the data, and a whole team of experts focused on security processing and ensuring that all case related information is securely stored, organized, and easily accessible to the legal team.

2:45 – Male AI

It sounds like a complex operation. How do they manage to keep everything running smoothly with so many moving parts?

2:52 – Female AI

One of the key things they do is develop and implement systems that make navigating massive amounts of information effortless for the legal team. Think intuitive search functionalities, data visualization tools, and custom reporting – all designed to streamline the litigation process. They take a lot of the manual burden off the shoulders of the legal team.

3:13 – Male AI

So, it’s all about equipping the legal team with the right information at the right time. That must have a huge impact on their ability to make strategic decisions.

3:21 – Female AI

Absolutely. And not only do they provide the tools, but they also work closely with the legal team to identify which processes can be automated. This frees up the legal team to focus on the more complex strategic aspects of the case.

3:34 – Male AI

What makes them a true dynamic duo?

3:37 – Female AI

Well, according to Nancy’s article, it’s the shared goal of winning the case for the client. Both teams understand that their expertise is crucial to achieving that outcome. They’re working towards the same objective, even though their approaches and day-to-day tasks differ.

3:52 – Male AI

So, it’s like a true partnership. Each side playing to their strengths to achieve a common goal. It’s all starting to come together.  Now let’s get practical for a moment. If someone’s aiming to build this, what are the absolutely essential elements they need to have in place?

4:08 – Female AI

That’s a great question, and Nancy’s article outlines some crucial components. These elements are especially important for tackling those challenges we talked about earlier. You need a comprehensive suite of tools. We’re talking processing, hosting, intuitive search capabilities, robust review tools, production capabilities, and, of course, the power of automation.

4:28 – Male AI

So, it sounds like it’s all about having a centralized system that can handle all the different stages of the litigation process from start to finish.

4:35 – Female AI

Absolutely. And it needs to be a system that integrates seamlessly, enabling automated ingestion of documents and filings. This streamlines the entire workflow, reduces the need for manual tasks, which in turn saves time and minimizes the potential for errors.

4:50 – Male AI

Now, when you mentioned automation, something else from the article came to mind. Deduplication – didn’t Nancy highlight that as a key element as well?

4:58 – Female AI

She did, and it’s a game changer when you’re dealing with massive amounts of data. Deduplication, and its close cousin near duplication, are all about identifying and eliminating duplicate or nearly identical documents within the data set. By removing duplicate content, you reduce storage costs, speed up the review process, and ensure that the legal team isn’t wasting precious time on redundant information.

5:23 – Male AI

I can see how that would be incredibly beneficial, especially in those complex cases where you’re dealing with terabytes of data. It’s all about working smarter, not harder.

Nancy also mentioned the importance of Generative AI tools in her article. How do those fit into the picture?

5:37 – Female AI

Generative AI is a relatively new development in the field, but it’s already making waves in litigation management. It has the potential to automate a wide range of tasks that were previously very time consuming and labor intensive. For instance, Generative AI can be used to extract key data points from documents, code documents according to specific criteria, even generate summaries of complex legal documents.

6:02 – Male AI

It sounds like Generative AI has the potential to truly revolutionize the way litigation is managed.

Now, let’s shift gears a bit and talk about another critical element: deadline tracking and project management. These might seem like basic project management principles, but why are they so crucial in the context of litigation?

6:21 – Female AI

In litigation, missing a key deadline can have serious consequences for a case. That’s why having a robust system for tracking deadlines, sending reminders, and keeping everyone on schedule is absolutely essential. It’s not just about avoiding penalties. It’s about maintaining control of the case and ensuring that you’re always a step ahead.

6:39 – Male AI

It’s like having a safety net, making sure nothing falls through the cracks.

6:42 – Female AI

Exactly. And that’s where project management comes in. A dedicated project management team can play a vital role in keeping the entire litigation process on track.

They work closely with the legal team, helping to define project scope, set realistic deadlines, and monitor progress along the way. They’re also responsible for managing resources, coordinating with external vendors, and ensuring that all the moving parts are working together smoothly.

7:06 – Male AI

It sounds like the project management team is making sure everyone is working towards the same goal and that nothing gets overlooked.

Before we wrap things up, I’d love to hear your perspective on one more element Nancy highlights – the importance of continuous process improvement in litigation management. What does that entail and why is it so crucial?

7:27 – Female AI

Continuous process improvement is all about recognizing that even the best systems can always be better. It’s about constantly evaluating your workflows, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing changes to optimize efficiency and effectiveness. In litigation, where things are constantly changing and new challenges are always emerging, this approach is absolutely crucial. It ensures that you’re always adapting, evolving, and staying ahead of the curve.

7:54 – Male AI

So, it’s not a one-time fix. It’s an ongoing journey of refinement and optimization.

7:59 – Female AI

And that, in a nutshell, is the essence of Nancy’s article. It’s about building a team where the whole is truly greater than the sum of its parts.

8:07 – Male AI

Listeners, be sure to check out Nancy Johnson’s full article, “Better Together: How to Create a Powerhouse Litigation Team.” You’ll find a link in our show notes.

8:16 – Female AI

And as always, we want to hear from you. What resonated with you from this deep dive? What aspect of building a powerhouse litigation team sparked your interest, and how might you apply these insights to your own work? Share your thoughts and continue the conversation using #TCDITalks. We’re eager to hear your perspectives.

8:33 – Male AI

Thanks for joining us on this episode of TCDI Talks.

Meet the Expert Behind the Topic


Nancy Johnson | Senior Director, Client Services | TCDI

Nancy Johnson is a Senior Director, Client Services working in TCDI’s Litigation Services Department. Having been with TCDI since 2003, her primary focus is overseeing and managing large-scale litigation management projects and new project implementations, with an emphasis on solutions-driven approaches to serve the needs of our clients acting as an extension of their corporate and law firm teams.

Read the Article

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