In our constantly changing world of legal services, innovation is not just a competitive edge, it’s essential for success. Our Military Spouse Managed Review (MSMR) team has always strived to be ahead of the curve, redefining what document review looks and feels like—whether it was the shift to remote review in 2017 or the integration of the newest technologies like process-driven generative AI (Gen AI) today.

The 2017 Remote Review Differentiator

For decades, document review was conducted in controlled, in-office environments, including in-house at a law firm or in a secured service provider review center. But in 2017, when TCDI decided to offer Managed Document Review to our clients, we knew there was a better way forward for everyone: clients, reviewers, and TCDI. So, we fully embraced remote review well before it became a necessity for the industry.

At a time when most didn’t even consider making this leap to remote, we recognized that the technology and security measures were already in place to support a seamless, efficient, and highly secure remote review model. We were able to offer clients access to a nationwide pool of reviewers with diverse expertise, delivering not just cost savings but also greater flexibility and scalability.

We were also able to create a solution that worked better for a reviewer’s lifestyle. This is how our MSMR program started, by adding flexibility of location and scheduling to our model which was so desperately needed. This forward-thinking move proved invaluable as remote review became the norm during the pandemic. However, by 2020, TCDI had long since established itself as a leader, showcasing how early adoption can transform a service.

The Next Frontier: Process-Driven Generative AI

Fast forward to today, and once again, TCDI is pushing boundaries by redefining document review with the integration of process-driven Gen AI. Where remote review gave us scalability and efficiency, AI is now enhancing quality and speed in unprecedented ways.

Gen AI isn’t just a buzzword for us or something we are considering; it’s a tool we have already integrated into our workflows to create smarter, faster, and less expensive document review processes. This AI-driven, human-in-the-loop approach enables us to review complex data sets and documents with remarkable precision, surfacing key insights, identifying potential risks, and reducing review volumes to a fraction of the time it used to take. And the result has been review tasks being accomplished faster and at a lower cost to our clients.

By combining AI with our Review Management expertise, we can streamline tasks like:

  • Early case assessment (ECA)
  • Inbound production review
  • Deposition and witness prep review and summaries
  • PII redaction
  • Data breach and notification review
  • Contract abstraction, review, and summaries
  • Data extraction for litigation coding and medical summaries

This integration between an efficient process and Gen AI technology ensures that every document receives the level of attention and accuracy it deserves. And because our AI is process-driven by our team of experts, it works in harmony with the unique needs of each project, adapting to the specifics of every case rather than applying a one-size-fits-all approach.

A Culture of Forward Thinking

The key to staying ahead in the legal tech world is not simply reacting to trends—it’s anticipating them. TCDI has always embraced a culture of being forward-thinking, and that’s why our approach to document review will continue to grow and change.

Just as TCDI understood the potential impact of remote review before many in the industry, we are applying the same foresight to Gen AI technologies today. This approach is used to enhance our teams’ capabilities and empower them to focus on making the greatest impact for our clients.

Gen AI can perform the heavy lifting in many of our traditional services, but it’s our people who make the critical decisions by providing feedback and guidance to the tools to validate the overall direction and decisions. We eagerly accept Gen AI’s capabilities and have spent a great deal of time creating process-driven workflows so the MSMR team can effectively embed these new technologies when and where they make sense.

Looking Ahead

As we look to the future, TCDI remains committed to finding innovative ways to redefine document review – mostly through the integration of new technologies and innovative workflows. The legal industry is changing rapidly, and we are proud to continue leading the way, proving that innovation isn’t just a trend. By continuously pushing boundaries and staying ahead of the curve, TCDI will ensure that our clients always have access to the most efficient, secure, and high-quality document review services available.

TCDI has redefined document review before, and we’ll do it again. Our goal is not just to adapt to change, but to continue to shape the future. Whether it’s through remote review or process-driven AI, we’ll continue redefining what’s possible—today and tomorrow.

Caragh Landry


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Caragh brings over 20 years of eDiscovery and Document Review experience to TCDI. In her role as Chief Legal Process Officer, she oversees workflow creation, service delivery, and  development strategy for our processing, hosting, review, production and litigation management applications. Caragh’s expertise in building new platforms aligns closely with TCDI’s strategy to increase innovation and improve workflow. Her diverse operational experience and hands on approach with clients is key to continually improving the TCDI user experience. Learn more about Caragh.