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Digital Forensics & Data Recovery

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We Don't Let the Digital Trail Go Cold

In today’s digitized world, evidence is rarely preserved on paper. The good news is that electronic data, which can be from any digital asset or data storing entity, often leaves a deeper trail than paper.

Because so many business records and other types of information that may become evidence are stored digitally, the foundation of every case is the proper collection of electronically stored information (ESI). At TCDI, we know precisely how to discover and collect digital evidence.

Our dedicated team of experts brings a hands-on approach to our state-of-the-art forensic technology and methodologies, to collect evidence in a defensible manner, to provide you with an unwavering feeling of certainty and safety.

Digital forensics and data recovery are a crucial part of modern litigation matters and discovery. No matter where the critical data is located-cell phone, social media, laptop, server or in the cloud—our digital forensics experts can collect it using best practices and the strictest forensic protocols. Our certified forensic data specialists are trained to collect electronic evidence following the strictest digital forensics methodologies and procedures. Our team members are highly certified and have the most respected reputations in the industry.

In fact, our security experts specialize in forensic data discovery and will work alongside you to strategically and efficiently analyze, collect and investigate the full spectrum of today’s data sources. We’re experts at finding and following digital footprints and digital information that has been hidden or deleted, such as emails, phone logs, texts, chats, and more.

TCDI’s collection capabilities encompass the full range of data, including desktop computers, servers, databases and other devices such as flash drives, phones, websites, network shares, and cloud based platforms. TCDI can also conduct searches of computing systems across a network by file name, keywords, deleted files, date, path, security permissions, file system type, file signature, and many other metadata fields. We will make sure that your evidence is preserved and documented following all relevant federal guidelines, so your digital evidence will be admissible in a court of law.

Forensic Data Recovery Services include:

  • Onsite Data Preservation / Imaging
  • Cell Phone Acquisition and Analysis
  • Computer Usage Reconstruction
  • Internet History Analysis
  • Social Media Discovery
  • Deleted Data Analysis
  • Data Recovery
  • Expert Witness Testimony

When you think of digital forensics, you probably think of instances of fraud or embezzlement. While those are certainly instances when you need a digital forensics team, there are many others, including:

Our team works with you to get the best possible results. We know the ins and outs of digital forensics, and you know your business.

Collaborative Approach

Digital forensics and electronic discovery projects require effective planning and communication. Our team takes a hands-on, collaborative approach that involves getting to know you and your business inside and out. By working closely with our clients, we fulfill our promise to identify their specific needs and deliver customized results.

Responsive Service

Legal matters involving electronically stored information often have strict guidelines and tight time frames. When your request is urgent, our digital forensic technicians spring into action. We’re there for you when you need us the most.


For 30 years, we’ve been building innovative legal technology solutions. We’ve put together a team with the optimal blend of technical and legal professionals. This team has expertly handled hundreds of matters involving electronically stored information.


You know how it seems like cyber criminals are always one step ahead? We do. That’s why we invest in continuing education and increasing the depth of our knowledge in the field of digital forensics. Our industry-leading certifications such as EnCase Certified Examiner (EnCE), Access Data Certified Examiner, and GIAC Certified Examiner reflect our dedication to always providing the highest quality of service.


Explaining digital forensics and digital evidence can be difficult. But that’s kind of our thing. We’re happy to provide expert testimony that validates digital evidence and verifies its authenticity.

Getting Started

TCDI's Forensic Practice is headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio and works with clients all over the United States. Our forensics experts handle all electronic evidence, and our chain of custody documentation is designed to fully support our client’s legal matters.

36 years and counting. We must be doing something right.

It’s a lot easier to say than to do: Assemble the right mix of tech geeks, data nerds, flexible lawyers, Lean Six Sigma ninjas, and creative solution architects. Choose only people who are obsessed with client service and committed to being the best team they can be. Build systems that ensure high quality by design. Then stand back and let that team deliver an unmatched client experience at cost-effective, predictable prices.

Sure, it takes a bit of doing, but it’s worth it. And once you get used to working this way, nothing else will really do.