The task of overcoming gender inequality can feel daunting. The problem seems so big, and the solutions feel out of reach. As we approach International Women’s Day this weekend, I began wondering, how can I, one human being, make a difference in removing biases, stereotypes, and discrimination from the world?
Individuals Can Make a Difference
I thought about the great civil rights leaders of the past: the suffragettes, the farm-work activists, and those seeking racial equity. None of these individuals truly “fixed it.” By this, I mean their struggles did not completely end the need for further reforms; we still have discrimination and inequality.
While we can acknowledge the weight of the work to be done, and perhaps feel a bit overwhelmed, we should not despair. What all these remarkable people have in common is that they did their part to make this world a better place, which is all that can be asked of any one individual. Their hard work led to progress and reforms that benefit us all today.
We should embrace the fact that doing our part doesn’t mean we must take on more than one human can handle. Doing our part can be small acts of solidarity for women and girls, working within our scope of influence. Setting realistic expectations for yourself, as well as extending a little bit of grace, will help lead you to solutions.

Accelerated Action in 2025
Accelerated action is the focus of this year’s International Women’s Day. While we have moved forward thanks to the efforts of those that came before us, we as a society won’t truly reach gender equality until the year 2158 according to
Here are some things that we, as individuals, can do to make a difference:
Speak up: When we witness discrimination in our environments, let’s call it out.
- Educate: Spread knowledge to women and girls about their health, their rights, and their potential.
- Encourage: Provide incentives and encourage women and girls to participate in sports, STEM, and other fields that interest them.
- Support: Give our support to women and girls who are in positions of leadership or want to be in those positions.
- Uplift: Always seek to uplift women and girls with our words and actions.
- Defend: Fight for the rights of women and girls to determine their own destiny and the right of free self-expression.
We are all powerful within our scope of influence, and everyday acts of kindness, compassion, and solidarity toward women and girls can accelerate the rate of progress so that we may see full gender equality within our lifetime. Even if our daily efforts feel small, ordinary acts compound over time and can mold a better future for all.

Anays Ponce Quintero
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Born in Venezuela, Anays grew up in Durham, North Carolina. Before becoming a technical writer, she was a Sergeant in the US Army serving as a medic. At TCDI, Anays’ role involves creating and maintaining documentation for software applications, including how-to guides, release notes, troubleshooting tutorials, and reference material. She also collaborates with litigation services to produce client-specific documentation. Learn more about Anays >